There’s always someone better. Someone smarter. Someone stronger or faster or better looking.
So what?
Don’t let that stop you from achieving the success you want and deserve.
Quite often, people who are better, smarter, or stronger take their authority for granted. They let their guard down. They bask in their success, forgetting how hard they had to work to get where they are, and how much harder it will be to maintain their position at the top.
Even if they don’t, that doesn’t mean there’s no room for you and your offering.
Quite the contrary.
You might be able to provide a competitive offering at a lower price to a target market who can’t afford “the best.” Or maybe the stories you tell help people learn faster than the smartest guy in the room.
Maybe you do the same damn thing, but are simply more entertaining!
Whatever it is, keep testing new ways help your customers. Relentlessly refine your message until you find your unique angle. And don’t forget:
“Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those changes that would make all the difference.”
Stay confident, stay persistent. It’s a sure way to win.
About the Author
Michael Mehlberg
I help high-achieving entrepreneurs live their passion and achieve their dreams by consistently saving time, getting productive, and being more efficient and organized.
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