
The Single Most Effective Thing You Can Do to Produce Consistently Measurable Results

The Single Most Effective Thing You Can Do to Produce Consistently Measurable Results

Can I tell you something?

I took the day off to home school my kids and I'm about ready to pull my fucking hair out.

Not because of my kids.

They're troopers. They're working hard. They're dealing with this shitty #covid19 hand better than many adults.

No, I was frustrated because I didn't know how long each assignment would take, didn't know when they'd get tired, and had no idea how to move them through their planned education. As such, we failed a math test, spent twice as long as we should have on history, and I missed feeding them all lunch.

Tonight, I'm recommending my wife to sainthood.

Now, with a bit of perspective, I see exactly what went wrong.

I had a plan, but I didn't have a schedule.

One Behavior Separates the Massively Productive from the Disorganized and Overwhelmed

One Behavior Separates the Massively Productive from the Disorganized and Overwhelmed

It’s a terrible feeling.

Being exhausted from a day of constant activity but without a sense of accomplishment.

You move from task to task, keeping busy, but never really making progress.

As if exhaustion weren’t enough, overwhelm hovers overhead. Even when you finish a task. Even after you head home for the night.

That overwhelm is the last thing you think of before falling to sleep.

It’s the first thing you think of upon waking.

It just might be the biggest source of stress in your life.

You’ve tried many life hacks and productivity tips. Like aspirin, they offer some temporary relief. But this sense of overwhelm isn’t a minor headache; it’s a goddamn knife in your brain that leaves you constantly wondering how you’re going to get it all done, or whether you’ll ever get ahead.

It’s time you took the knife out and felt a sense of relief.

10x Your Success Rate With This Monthly Planning Process

10x Your Success Rate With This Monthly Planning Process

Whenever there’s a new month, there should be a new plan.

With a fresh month, you’ve got 20 or so whole working days in front of you.

You weren’t thinking of just winging it, were you 😉?

You already know this, but “winging it” is not how you achieve your goals. That’s not how you’ll finish this year a success.

People who wing it often wonder how they worked so hard and yet don’t find themselves where they want to be.

On the other hand, high-achievers use every new month as an opportunity to do two things:

How to be Consistent Productive with a Weekly Review

How to be Consistent Productive with a Weekly Review

It’s Friday, and you’re battered from a 5-day attack on your focus, attention, and patience; a battle that started the moment your alarm blared Monday morning.

If you had a plan to begin with, it’s now buried in the rubble of a hellish week that bombarded you with hundreds of emails, dozens of phone calls, and the constant pull of customer demands. Your reserves have long since been exhausted.

Yes, the work-week struggle was real, and though it’s now over, another battle looms next week.

The person who enters the weekend with a clean slate, who ties up loose ends, and who thoughtfully closes open projects will start next weeks campaign fresh, reinvigorated, and ready to crush it. What’s more, their free hours won’t be consumed with thoughts of unfinished tasks or worries over the many troubles next week might bring. They’ll enjoy a truly restful weekend.

This all begins with a weekly review.