
Three Ways to Live Your Life

Three Ways to Live Your Life

There are three ways to live your life.

The first is to follow your interests, becoming a jack of all trades but master of none.

If you walk this path, your bookshelf may look like a public library. You’ll find almost any conversation interesting, especially one in which you’re taught something new. You may consider yourself an amateur photographer, and chess player, and writer pencil, and chef, and weightlifter, and... you get the idea. It’s not that you don’t have a specialty, you just love learning about all the world has to offer.

The second way is to…

Sculpting Your Best Self: How Self-Improvement is Best Done Through Sculpting Others

Sculpting Your Best Self: How Self-Improvement is Best Done Through Sculpting Others

You are a block of stone.

Chipped and cracked and carved by life.

Molded since birth, you now embody a unique shape, reflecting all that you’ve become.

Your parents were the first to sculpt you. Using the only tools they knew how. Tools given to them by generations of parents before them, they whittled you into the shape they wanted, or needed, or were proud of. A sculpture of sorts.

The Lure Effect: Why waking up early won't make you a millionaire (and all the other life hack lies)

The Lure Effect: Why waking up early won't make you a millionaire (and all the other life hack lies)

It wouldn't have mattered if all 7 billion people on this planet were screaming in unison for my success. Nor would it have mattered how early I'd woken up that morning, how much water I drank, or if I'd eaten protein for breakfast. It wouldn't have made a bit of difference if I'd created a plan for my day, meditated, or drafted the perfect self-introspection piece in my journal.

I didn't know how to drive a stick-shift well, so it was unlikely I'd get it right. I would have stalled that son-of-a-bitch on the platform every single time.

Skills can't be faked.

Wanting to succeed is never enough.

And life-hacks won't give you some magical power to achieve more than you're already achieving.

3 Immediate Mindset Changes to Drastically Improve Your Life

3 Immediate Mindset Changes to Drastically Improve Your Life

I can attest from first-hand experience that striking out sucks.

It doesn't matter how you do it.

Swinging under a ball for that third strike feels like opening a drain to let all the potential flow out of your body. No base hit. No home run. No chance to be the hero in front of an audience of cheering fans.