Look, I write about different productivity, self-mastery, and organization tips almost every day.
Do you think I use them all, all the time?
Hell no!
I’ve used every one of these systems and tips at one point:
📆 I’ve used Kanban and Scrum to manage big projects.
❤️ I’ve used Pomodoro to manage my energy levels throughout the day.
📓I’ve planned my day the night before, scheduling down to 5 minute increments so I was constantly busy the following day.
☀️I’ve used Todoist, Wanderlist, Evernote, Omnifocus, GetTheMilk, Slack, and just about every other so-called productive app under the sun.
Some of these tools and tricks continue to work for me, some of them worked for a while, others just didn't.
But because I’m a productivity, planning, and organization nut, I love reading every book, article, and blog post on these subjects. I love trying every new technique to get a feel for how it would work in my life or the lives of my clients, friends, and family. I love downloading yet another productivity app to see how it works and imagine what it could do for humanity.
Hell, I love spending time playing with tools and planning my day more than I love getting actual work done!
Yes, that’s a problem.
But, the good news is, I’ve tried it all. The good news is, while I’m busy fighting that demon, I’m learning what works and what doesn’t for you.
I’m learning what works and what doesn’t for certain situations. I’m learning which notebooks to use, which productivity techniques get results, and which systems for managing projects will save time vs. waste it.
Here’s what I’ve discovered.
It all depends on the situation. Your situation.
That’s why, when it comes to productivity, personalized coaching is so important.
Instead of reading yet another life-hack on how to become a relentless, hustle-mongering billionaire only to find out that what worked for Warren Buffett won’t work for you, talk with someone about building a personalized plan, system, and set of recommended tools to help YOU get more done, to help YOU get more organized.
“In the field in which the rules are constantly changing — where the forces that determine the outcome are constantly shifting — where new problems are constantly being encountered every day – rules, formulas and principles simply will not work. They are too rigid – too tightly bound to the past. They must be replaced by the only known method of dealing with the Constantly New – analysis.”
If you’re looking to organize your brain and schedule so you can organize your life and business, find someone who’s tried it all. The money you spend and the time you save building a plan that’s custom for you will return 100 times over.